Hi, I’m Chunk!

The Snuggle is Real.

  • Graduated Summa Cum Laude from Air Bud Academy, with a duel major in “sit” and “shake” and an unaccredited major in napping.

  • As a young professional and visionary, it has always been my goal to seek out the best of tennis balls, chew them and dispose of them accordingly.

  • In my spare time, I like long walks on the beach, and even longer naps….anywhere.

  • I’m a mix of a Golden Retriever and Lab, with the best attributes of both, obvi!

  • I’ve been hitting the gym for the past couple of months, peep the gainz 😉

  • I have my mom wrapped around all four paws. She loves me. How could anybody not…am I right?

I’m Impressed. Let’s Play Ball!

Chunk; Creative Director

Chunk; Creative Director

Fueling My Fire

Fueling My Fire

You have to have a full life to be able to create.  You can’t create from emptiness.

Jay Edwards | Owner

ReelFire Media was founded in 2006, out of a love and passion for creating.  Jay was born into a family of entrepreneurs and it was only natural for him to start his own business.  Running daily on core values of fun, inspiring, collaborative, entrepreneurial and an ‘X’ factor of creativity, Jay is always chomping at the bit to bring his client’s next vision/idea to reality.

Everybody has a story to tell.  Let us help you tell yours!

We Create.  You Accelerate.

We Create.  You Accelerate.

Oh, hey there. I'm Chunk!

Give your exceptional business an exceptional story, fueled by ReelFire.

Give your exceptional business an exceptional story, fueled by ReelFire.

Let’s Work!